Thursday, October 7, 2010

Medal to Ping-Pong

After returning from Vietnam, I was invited to Washington D.C. where I received the Medal of Honor. While in Washington, the President asked me questions about my time spent in Vietnam. One of those questions included the location of my gunshot wound. Because I was a little slow, I innocently dropped my pants right there in front of everyone. After I had left the presence of the President, I found myself among a group of anti-war veterans where I ran into Jenny. Jenny had recently become a hippie and found herself a successful boyfriend from Berkeley. I had been watching them argue right there in front of me when I saw the new boyfriend hit Jenny. That’s when I started to beat him up. This allowed Jenny and I to spend some time together talking about our achievements and experiences and it gave me the chance to give Jenny the Medal of Honor that I had received. Seeing Jenny and receiving the Medal of Honor weren’t my only interests during these times, I had also taken up Ping-Pong during my stay in the hospital. Once I had recovered, I was sent to help other patients play Ping-Pong instead of returning to Vietnam. I later went to China and came back with the title of a “famous hero”. When I returned, I met up with Lieutenant Dan and had a chance to talk to him. He was still quite bitter and highly interested in alcohol. I told him about my plan with Bubba to become a Shrimp Boat Captain. He simply laughed at me and jokingly told me that if I ever succeeded, he would be my first mate.

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